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2.0 Networking


2.1 Compare and contrast Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports, protocols, and their purposes.


• Ports and protocols

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

- 20/21 – File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

§  SFTP= SSH with FTP (20/21/22)

§  FTPS= FTP over SSL (secure socket layer- web browser traffic) (most secure) (990)

• tcp/20 (active mode data), tcp/21 (control) – Transfers files between systems

• Authenticates with a username and password

– Some systems use a generic/anonymous login

• Full-featured functionality - List, add, delete, etc.


SSH - Secure Shell

- 22 – Secure Shell (SSH) remote access (most basic)

• Encrypted communication link - tcp/22

• Looks and acts the same as Telnet



- 23 – Telnet - unsecure, text based, remote access (do not select)

• Telnet – Telecommunication Network - tcp/23

• Login to devices remotely – Console access

• In-the-clear communication

– Not the best choice for production systems


SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

- 25 – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - sends/relays email

•  SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

            - Server to server email transfer - tcp/25

•  Also used to send mail from a device to a mail server

           - Commonly configured on mobile devices and email clients

• Other protocols are used for clients to receive email



DNS - Domain Name System

- 53 – Domain Name System (DNS) - converts FQDNs (websites) to IP address

•  Converts names to IP addresses - udp/53

         - =

•  These are very critical resources

         - Usually multiple DNS servers are in production








DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

- 67/68 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) - automatically assigns IP address

•  Automated configuration of IP address, subnet mask and other options - udp/67, udp/68

- Requires a DHCP server

      - Server, appliance, integrated into a SOHO router, etc.

•  Dynamic / pooled

      - IP addresses are assigned in real-time from a pool

      - Each system is given a lease and must renew at set intervals

•  DHCP reservation

      - Addresses are assigned by MAC address in the DHCP server

      - Manage addresses from one location



- 80 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - basic internet traffic (not secured)

- 443 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) - secure web traffic

•  Hypertext Transfer Protocol

      - Communication in the browser

      - And by other applications

•  In the clear or encrypted

      - Supported by nearly all web servers and clients



- 110 – Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)

•  Receive emails from an email server

      - Authenticate and transfer

•  POP3 - Post office Protocol version 3

      - tcp/110

      - Basic mail transfer functionality

*- receives email, but does not save copy on server (secure port 995)

- 143 – Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)

•  IMAP4 - Internet Message Access Protocol v4

      - tcp/143

      - Includes email inbox management from multiple clients

      *   receives email and does save copy on server (secure port 993)


SMB - Server Message Block

- 137/139 – Network Basic Input/ Output System (NetBIOS)/NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT)

·  Protocol used by Microsoft Windows

- File sharing, printer sharing

- Also called CIFS (Common Internet File System)

•  Using NetBIOS over TCP/IP Network Basic Input/Output System)

–  udp/137 - NetBIOS name services (nbname)

   tcp/139 - NetBIOS session service (nbsession)

 - 445 – Server Message Block (SMB)/Common Internet File System (CIFS)

*  allows PCs to transfer/request data from server file shares

•  Direct over tcp/445 (NetBIOS-less)

–      Direct SMB communication over TCP without the NetBIOS transport



SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

- 161/162 – Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

load management/diagnostic software over a network

•  Gather statistics from network devices

      - Queries: udp/161

- Traps: udp/162

•  v1 – The original

- Structured tables

- In-the-clear

•  v2 – A good step ahead

      - Data type enhancements

      - Bulk transfers

      - Still in-the-clear

•  v3 – A secure standard

- Message integrity

- Authentication

- Encryption



- 389 – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) - remote access protocol to search for objects

* (like phone book for IP addresses)

•  LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) - tcp/389

•  Store and retrieve information in a network directory

      - Commonly used in Microsoft Active Directory


RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol

- 3389 – Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) - remote access protocol to control another PC

           (windows+ R, MSTC)

•  Share a desktop from a remote location over tcp/3389

•  Remote Desktop Services on many Windows versions

•  Can connect to an entire desktop or just an application

•  Clients for Windows, macOS, Linux, Unix, iPhone, Android, and others


2.1 Introduction to IP

A series of moving vans

• Efficiently move large amounts of data

 – Use a shipping truck

• The network topology is the road

 – Ethernet, DSL, cable system

• The truck is the Internet Protocol (IP)

– We’ve designed the roads for this truck

• The boxes hold your data

– Boxes of TCP and UDP

• Inside the boxes are more things

– Application information






• Transported inside of IP

– Encapsulated by the IP protocol

• Two ways to move data from place to place

– Different features for different applications

• OSI Layer 4

– The transport layer

• Multiplexing

– Use many different applications at the same time

– TCP and UDP


• TCP vs. UDP

- Connection-oriented



TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

• Connection-oriented

– A formal connection setup and close

• “Reliable” delivery

– Recovery from errors

– Can manage out-of-order messages or retransmissions

• Flow control

– The receiver can manage how much data is sent

·       Work at layer 4 OSI model

·       Verified connectivity; connection oriented

·       Example: emails


UDP – User Datagram Protocol

- Connectionless


§ Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

• Connectionless - No formal open/close to the connection

• “Unreliable” delivery

– No error recovery

– No reordering of data or retransmissions

• No flow control

– Sender determines the amount of data transmitted

·       Does not verify connectivity; connectionless

·       Video streaming; gaming


Why would you ever use UDP?

• Real-time communication

– There’s no way to stop and resend the data

– Time doesn’t stop for your network

• Connectionless protocols

– DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

– TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)


Communication using TCP

• Connection-oriented protocols prefer a “return receipt”

– HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

– SSH (Secure Shell)

• The application doesn’t worry about out of order frames or missing data

– TCP handles all of the communication overhead

– The application has one job


Speedy delivery

• The IP delivery truck delivers from one (IP) address to another (IP) address

– Every house has an address, every computer has an IP address

• Boxes arrive at the house / IP address

– Where do the boxes go?

– Each box has a room name

• Port is written on the outside of the box

– Drop the box into the right room


Lots of ports

• IPv4 socket

– Server IP address, protocol, server application port number

– Client IP address, protocol, client port number

• Non-ephemeral ports – permanent port numbers

– Ports 0 through 1,023

– Usually on a server or service

• Ephemeral ports – temporary port numbers

– Ports 1,024 through 65,535

– Determined in real-time by the client


Port numbers

• TCP and UDP ports can be any number between 0 and 65,535

• Most servers (services) use non-ephemeral (not-temporary) port numbers

– This isn’t always the case

– It’s just a number.

• Port numbers are for communication, not security

• Service port numbers need to be “well known”

• TCP port numbers aren’t the same as UDP port numbers

• Well-known port number

– Client and server need to match

• Important for firewall rules - Port-based security

• A bit of rote memorization

– Becomes second nature after a while

• Make sure you know port number, protocol, and how the protocol is used


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