Cloud computing for 220-1001 exam

Are you struggling with basic networking? Never fear. CompTIA Exam 220-1001 is the certification exam that outlines what you need to know whether you take the exam or not. This article has study materials you can review to understand cloud computing better.

Digest these exam objectives by reading and practicing them in your home CompTIA lab for


The best example for PaaS is remembering that it's what software developers crave.

DaaS, or "Desktop as a Service," is a cloud computing service that provides customers virtual desktops via the Internet. It refers to the delivery of virtual desktops to end users over the cloud, which is becoming a more common option in cloud computing.

You can experience this using Virtual Box and make a virtual desktop on your own computer. Microsoft Azure can be used if you are willing to pay for a subscription.

An Azure subscription has simple buttons to spin up a server or a Windows PC.

Network engineers would be responsible for the the on premise network and managing IaaS.

You can experience this your self by using a laptop and a Rasberry Pi, Your would need to setup a simple DHCP on which is already on your home WiFi router and configure a DNS for using the internet.

Difference between DHCP/DNS

DHCP - Stands for Dynamic host configuration protocol. It is utilized best in the process of automatically assigning host IP addresses to machines connected to a network automatically based on available IPs in the subnet range. DNS - Domain name service this is basically utilized in simple terms as a way of making ip addresses which is how we really connect to everything in our browsers for example friendly by giving them a web friendly name and DNS job is to look up those domain names for example find what server resides at and then behind the scenes request that domain server ip address so that we can connect to seamlessly when we type in instead of having to type facebooks ip address every time we want to get to facebook.

Dns just turns ip addresses into "human readable" address like instead of having to typ you just type and the dns looks at it and finds the ip address associated with that domain name.

How stressed are windows commands on core 1?

Very stressed . It’s free points actually

Here are some commands related to DNS/DHCP. Once you’ve memorized then experiment in action. In a lab experience there are work arounds to renewing and viewing IP addresses like restarting the computer while connected to a network with DHCP. Even if you really on your own method you can experiment with these commands to get an idea of what they do. Experimenting will give you experience in these commands so you can get free points on your exam.


  • IPCONFIG \release

  • IPCONFIG \renew

  • PING

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For more you can listen to this Spotify podcast. A+ 1101 Exam: 4.1 - Cloud Computing Concepts - Comptia A+ 1101-1102 Exam Podcast | Podcast on Spotify


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